reaching english
with teacher jesse!
Hi there! My name is Teacher Jesse and I want to welcome you to my online English learning classroom!
Combining over 12 years of English teaching experience, both in the classroom and online with VIPKid, I am offering specialized, 25-minute, 1 on 1 English lessons with students as young as 7 years old. Feel free to read more about my specialized curriculum, tailored to the needs of each student. See you in class!
Teacher Jesse was born and raised in and around Portland, Oregon, USA. He is now residing in Thailand, where he lives happily with his wife and 7-year old daughter, Malia. Jesse enjoys outdoor activities, learning new languages, and
Teacher Jesse has a variety of degrees from the University of Idaho in the USA, the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales, UK, and at the prestigious Chulalongkorn University International School of Architecture in Bangkok, Thailand. Teacher Jesse graduated with his Masters degree in Architecture, with minor studies in Southeast Asian political science, art, ecological design, liberal arts, and religious studies. Teacher Jesse also has a wide variety of teaching certificates, including: TEFL and TESOL , various training recognitions, and government teaching recognitions, just to name a few.
Jesse 老师在美国俄勒冈州波特兰及其周边地区出生和长大。他现在居住在泰国,与妻子和 7 岁的女儿 Malia 幸福地生活在那里。 Jesse 喜欢户外活动,学习新语言,以及
Jesse 老师拥有美国爱达荷大学、英国威尔士替代技术中心和泰国曼谷著名的朱拉隆功大学国际建筑学院的各种学位。 Jesse 老师获得了建筑学硕士学位,辅修了东南亚政治学、艺术、生态设计、文科和宗教研究。 Jesse 老师还拥有各种教学证书,包括:TEFL 和 TESOL、各种培训认可和政府教学认可,仅举几例。
Teacher Jesse has specialized in ESL (English as a Second Language) teaching for more than 12 years: working within an English program at a government school; at home English tutoring for adults and children; corporate and medical professional English development training; and online, through VIPKid. Teacher Jesse was one of the top regional VIPKid teachers, with an incredible student following.
Jesse 老师专门从事 ESL(英语作为第二语言)教学超过 12 年:在政府学校的英语课程中工作;成人和儿童的家庭英语辅导;企业及医疗专业英语发展培训;和在线,通过 VIPKid。 Jesse 老师是 VIPKid 地区顶尖的教师之一,拥有令人难以置信的学生追随者。curriculum
We offer 2 different curriculums for students: one curriculum for levels 2 - 4; and another for levels 5 - 7, similar to the learning levels at VIPKid.
In Level 2 - 4 curriculum, students will engage with interactive slides, games, videos and other fun activities provided by Chit Chat 2 Fluency. In Level 5 - 7, students will be provided a password and login to access their advanced Off2Class learning material for review, and to have access to homework assignment and other class review material. Here are just a few examples of slides used in class, below.
我们为学生提供 2 种不同的课程:一种课程适用于 2 - 4 级;另一个用于 5-7 级,类似于 VIPKid 的学习级别。
在 2 - 4 级课程中,学生将参与互动幻灯片、游戏、视频和其他有趣的活动。在 5 - 7 级课程中,课后作业分配给学生。然后学生可以完成他们的家庭作业,我们可以在课堂上“现场”一起为他们的作业评分。下面是课堂上使用的幻灯片的几个示例。
Interesting & Relevant Topics For Students
Level 3 - Chit Chat 2 Fluency
Conversational Engagement
Level 3 - Chit Chat 2 Fluency
Vocabulary Retention Through Reading
Level 3 - Chit Chat 2 Fluency
Cultural Exploration Through Food & Art
Level 5 - Off2Class
Story Telling & Sequencing
Level 5 - Off2Class
Fun Reading Activities & Comprehension
Level 5 - Off2Class
Classes will be held over Zoom or Voov. Level 3 - 4 student can take lessons on an iPad, tablet or computer. Level 5 - 7 students are recommended to use a computer for lessons, as their learning material is more complex. As a bonus incentive - if you recommend a student, and they purchase a class package, you will receive one free 25 - minute lesson!
Scheduling: Please contact me by email or WeChat to discuss availability and make appointments.
Cancellations: Cancellations must be received in writing by email or WeChat at least 24 hours before class.
Late Arrivals: Please arrive to class on time. I cannot stay longer to make up the missed class time.
课程将通过 Zoom 或 Voov 进行。 3 - 4 级学生可以在 iPad、平板电脑或电脑上上课。 5-7级学生建议使用电脑上课,因为他们的学习材料比较复杂。作为奖励——如果您推荐一名学生,并且他们购买了课程套餐,您将获得一节 25 分钟的免费课程!- 日程安排:请通过电子邮件或微信与我联系以讨论可用性和预约。
- 取消:必须在上课前至少 24 小时通过电子邮件或微信以书面形式收到取消通知。
- 迟到:请准时上课。我不能再呆更长的时间来弥补错过的上课时间。
25 - Minute Class
$199.00 - $639.00
This is a 25 minute, private 1 on 1 lesson.
These Class Packages do not expire.
10 - Class Package $199 USD
20 - Class Package $359 USD (save 10%)
40 - Class Package $639 USD (save 20%)
这是一堂 25 分钟的私人一对一课程。
10 - 课程套餐 199 美元
20 - 课程套餐 359 美元(节省 10%)
40 - 班级套餐 639 美元(节省 20%)SelectQuantityComing sooncontact Teacher Jesse with questions
如有问题,请联系 Jesse 老师
Let's keep learning together!
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Reaching English © 2021